Tax Articles

Beware of Scams Tied to COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments

The IRS is warning you to be on the lookout for a surge of calls and e-mail phishing attempts related to COVID-19. They will come in the form of e-mails, text messages, websites and social media attempts that request money or personal information. It can come in many forms The IRS says that scammers may do the following when trying to contact you: Emphasize the words “stimulus check” or “stimulus payment.” The official term is economic

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Answers to Common COVID-19 Unemployment Questions

The recently passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides individuals and businesses significant financial relief from the financial strain caused by the coronavirus epidemic. Here is a snapshot of the unemployment benefits section of the bill and how it affects individuals and businesses. Who qualifies to receive unemployment benefits? In addition to full-time workers who are laid off or furloughed, the Act provides individuals who are not already eligible for state and federal

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Protect Your Video Conference Meetings

Avalanche of new remote workers creates latest playground for hackers Hackers have found their new playground amid the increased use of video conferencing during the coronavirus pandemic: Zoombombing! Zoombombing defined Named for the company Zoom, the unfortunate first high-profile victim of this phenomena, Zoombombing occurs when internet trolls hack video conference meetings and join as uninvited attendees. After infiltrating a meeting, the hackers then have their fun, doing everything from performing harmless pranks to posting sexually

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Ideas to Help Make Payments During Tough Times

How to get cash quickly when you’re out of work You’re not alone in trying to navigate the financial uncertainty during the coronavirus pandemic. Millions of American workers who lost their paycheck because of COVID-19 need to find creative ways to pay bills. Here are 6 ways to get cash to help pay for your monthly expenses. Apply for state unemployment benefits. Recent federal legislation expands traditional state unemployment payments from 26 weeks to 39 weeks.

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Get Your Money: Ensure You Receive a Stimulus Payment

The IRS has two websites to help with stimulus payments: One for non-tax filers to register to receive their economic impact payment and a new “Get My Payment” tool. Background As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government is sending $1,200 to single taxpayers with income less than $75,000 ($98,000 with phaseouts). $2,400 is being sent to married taxpayers with income less than $150,000 ($198,000 with phaseouts). An additional $500 is being sent for each

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Key 2020 Coronavirus Tax Changes

Coronavirus uncertainty abounds. Thankfully, by monitoring tax changes on your behalf, we can work together to navigate the right path for you and your family. Here is a round-up of tax-related laws and information to help with tax planning for 2020. Early distribution penalty waivedThe 10% early distribution penalty on up to $100,000 of retirement withdrawals for coronavirus-related reasons is waived during 2020. New tax rules allow tax liabilities on these distributions to be paid over

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Keep Your Social Security Number Safe

Identity thieves are very active right now Countries and citizens around the world are banding together to defeat the coronavirus. While your attention is concentrated on protecting your family, friends and community, identity thieves are seeing an opportunity to swipe your confidential information. Very few things in life create a higher degree of stress and hassle than having your Social Security Number (SSN) stolen, especially during a pandemic like we are now experiencing. This is because,

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Is Your General Ledger Squeaky Clean?

Spring cleaning for your business should include cleaning up your general ledger With spring now here, it’s natural to start thinking about doing some spring cleaning. But don’t limit the cleanup effort to your house — your business’s accounting system and general ledger needs cleaning, too! Here are five areas of your financial statements that may be due for a spring cleaning: Inventory. Inaccurate inventory on your balance sheet can have grave consequences. If your balance

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Spare Change Goes Digital

A clever new way to save… With close to 85% of purchases made with credit or debit cards, many people have forgotten the satisfying clinking sound of tossing a penny, nickel, dime or quarter into a glass jar of spare change. But all that is starting to change! Clever new savings ideas In today’s world of smartphones, several apps have digitized yesterday’s jar of coins by sweeping electronic spare change into a digital jar to increase

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Tax Quiz: Who’s the Highest?

Take this trivia quiz and test your state tax knowledge! Here’s a quiz to test your state tax IQ and give you some fun facts about the taxes paid by friends in other states. Thinking about buying a new house? Which state has the highest property taxes? a. Texas b. New Jersey c. Illinois d. New Hampshire b. New Jersey. Unlike most states, New Jersey does not allow counties and cities to impose their own sales

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