Tax Articles

Did you get your new “chip” card?

The latest credit cards have a new feature: a half-inch square on the card’s face that looks like a mini circuit board. The square is a small computer chip called an EMV. The acronym stands for Europay, MasterCard, and VISA, the developers of the technology. Over the next several years, these chip-embedded cards are expected to replace the familiar magnetic strip technology on cards that you now swipe at point-of-sale devices. When you use your EMV

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Make June business tax planning time

Looking for suggestions to reduce your 2016 business tax liability? Here are three tips to consider as summer gets underway. Business trips. When you travel on business this summer, you can write off your expenses – including airfare, lodging, and 50% of the cost of meals – if the primary motive of the trip is business-related. Costs attributable to personal side trips are nondeductible. If you travel by car, deduct actual business-related auto costs or a

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Are bad business debts a tax deduction?

If you’re in business long enough, you’ll run into a customer who doesn’t pay you. Despite your best efforts, you may conclude that you’ll never receive the money. Do you have a tax-deductible bad debt? The answer depends in part on whether you operate your business using the cash or accrual method of accounting. Cash. When you use the cash method, you report taxable income when you receive it and deduct expenses when they are actually

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Easy ways to ruin your credit score

Investor Warren Buffet once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” The same maxim applies to good credit. Stellar credit scores don’t happen overnight or by accident. Instead, you have to exercise financial discipline, sometimes for years. The reward: lenders who are willing to offer mortgages and car loans at favorable interest rates. Unfortunately, like a good reputation, a strong credit score can easily be ruined. Here are

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Is your business using social media tools?

According to a recent survey by a technology company, email, websites, and social media are the top three digital marketing tools used by businesses. Lack of an online presence means your company may be missing opportunities to connect with customers. If you’re neglecting your internet marketing, consider outsourcing the task to a virtual assistant, or assigning an employee to handle website maintenance and social media accounts. Still feeling overwhelmed by the idea? Remember that online marketing

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Start your midyear planning with these tax savers

As you get ready for midyear tax planning, keep these lesser-known tax breaks in mind. Residential energy credit. You can claim a 10% energy credit for qualified improvements (up to a lifetime maximum of $500) when you improve your home with insulation, windows, and certain types of roofing. This credit is presently set to expire after 2016. Commercial building energy deduction. The above-the-line deduction for energy efficiency improvements to lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, and hot water

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Are you missing a refund?

Did you forget to file your 2012 federal income tax return? You’re not alone. The IRS says an estimated one million taxpayers did not file a return for that year, leaving refunds totaling $950 million unclaimed. If you’re one of those taxpayers, you must file a 2012 federal income tax return no later than this year’s April tax deadline. There is no penalty for failure to file if you are due a refund. Contact us for

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Simple steps can lead to growing savings

You’ve probably heard the expression, “a penny saved is a penny earned.” Ben Franklin’s simple guidance has provided the foundation for savings plans for generations of Americans. His advice remains sound today, but economic conditions and financial demands may cause your savings to get off track. Getting back on track – and sooner rather than later – is important. Why? You can reap benefits thanks to the effects of time. The earlier you put cash into

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