Tax Articles

Retirees Should Check Withholdings…or Else…

According to a recent announcement by the IRS, retirees might not be withholding enough for taxes this year. This is due to vast tax changes in 2018, making old withholding levels obsolete. The IRS is urging retirees to check their withholdings now and make adjustments if needed to avoid penalties. Could it be you? How do you know if you are withholding enough? While the IRS offers a new withholding calculator online, it’s designed for employees

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Don’t Let a Disaster Derail Your Business

With the recent frequency of hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods and wildfires, it’s worth reviewing ideas to ensure your business can survive if it faces its own disaster. Here are some steps you can take to create a disaster plan for your business:

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5 Annual Tax Essentials

The more things change the more they stay the same. This is especially true when it comes to reviewing your tax situation. Mark your calendar to review these essential items each year to ensure you are not missing something that could cause tax trouble when you file your tax return:

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Hustling for Extra Income: Don’t Forget the Taxman!

Conduct an online search of the phrase “side hustle” and you will find websites with countless ideas on how you can make some money on the side. The ideas range from carpet cleaning to podcasting. What a lot of these sites fail to inform you, is the tax implications that come from the additional income. Here are five tips to help you stay on top of your side hustle taxes:

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Find Your Sleep Sweet Spot

We’ve all heard it before – sleep is important, and you probably aren’t getting enough of it. But did you know that too much sleep can be just as harmful? The Mayo Clinic recommends the ideal sleep range at 7-9 hours per night for adults. According to the National Sleep Foundation, here are some tips to create your ideal night’s sleep. Tips to Find Your Ideal Night’s Sleep

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Six Ideas to Help Your Business Survive AND Thrive

If you are like millions of taxpayers trying to make a living running a small business, you know it is tough out there. Here are six ideas to help your business survive and thrive. Understand your cash flow. One of the biggest causes of business failure is lack of positive cash flow. At the end of the day, you need enough cash to pay your vendors and your employees. If you run a seasonal business you

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Fraud? Negligence? Know the Difference!

Each year the IRS opens thousands of investigations looking for possible tax fraud. In 2017 alone, the Criminal Investigation (CI) arm of the IRS identified $2.5 billion in potential tax fraud with a 91.5 percent conviction rate. While the IRS takes tax fraud seriously, they also understand that mistakes happen. Here is what you need to know. Tax Fraud or Negligence? Fraud. The IRS defines tax fraud as intentional wrongdoing, on the part of the taxpayer,

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Keys to Creating a Satisfying Retirement

You’ve done your retirement homework. Your assets are reviewed, you know your financial needs, and your retirement tax plan is in place. Are you ready to enjoy retirement? Probably, but not without a plan to address what happens to many after they retire – boredom. Here are some ideas.

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Time to Launch Your Tax Strategy

Consider conducting a final tax planning review now to see if you can still take actions to minimize your taxes this year. Here are some ideas to get you started. Assess your income. Begin by determining how your income this year will compare to last year. Then apply any tax implications this income change may cause. Be sure to account for the lower tax rates and the elimination of exemptions. Remember, if your income is rising,

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This month:

October 1: SIMPLE IRA plan establishment due October 15: Extended individual and C-corp tax return filing deadline October 31: Halloween

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