Tax Articles

Reminder: Time to Start the Financial Aid Process

If you have a child in college or entering college during the next school year, you need to read this. You can now fill out your required Free Application for Financial Student Aid (FAFSA) for the next school year. FAFSA application timeframe The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) process opened on Oct. 1. The time to file is now The earlier you file your application, the earlier you will receive aid packages from most

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Decoding the New Dating Scene

Are you feeling a little in the dark about the new vocabulary developing around dating? It’s not surprising, especially when you hear a term like getting “ghosted.” Luckily, you’re just a few dating slang definitions away from having a better understanding of this vocabulary — often used on social media. It’s important to understand, especially if you have young people in your life who are dating. Here are a few popular slang terms and their definitions,

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Amazon and eBay Sales Tax ALERT!

If you or your business sells product on Amazon using the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service, you are well into the multi-state sales tax mess … even if you are not aware of it. You may be asking yourself: Do I now need to register my business with every state and collect tax on their behalf? Do I really have physical nexus? What about economic nexus? What is nexus? Background The old sales tax standard required

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Bill collector calling? Know your rights

Maybe you’re behind on paying your bills because of circumstances outside of your control. Or perhaps there’s been an error in billing. Either way, these scenarios may lead to a run-in with a debt collector. Fortunately, there are strict rules in place that forbid any kind of collector harassment in the U.S. If you know your rights, you can deal with debt collection with minimal hassle. Here’s what to remember: You have a right to details

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Another Year, Another New 1040

In 2018, the government attempted to “simplify” the tax-filing process by drastically shortening Form 1040. The result was six new schedules that created a lot of confusion. Now the IRS is attempting to ease some of that pain by revising the form and removing some schedules. Will it help? Here is what you need to know: More information on the main form. To make it easier for the IRS to match pertinent information across related tax returns,

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How to Handle Negative Reviews

With all the rating services on sites like Amazon and Yelp, it’s not a question of whether your business will receive a negative review, only when. Every business or service must know how to handle these negative reviews. Here are some hints: The best defense is a great offense You don’t have to address negative reviews if you never have them in the first place. Proactively identify possible negative experiences and encourage customers to respond directly

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Consider the Tax BEFORE You Sell

Multiple tax rates hold the key In times of market volatility or when a financial need arises, it is only natural to consider selling some investments. Understanding the tax consequences is key to making an informed and planned decision. Here is what you need to know BEFORE you sell: Investment Tax Rates Investment Tax Classification Holding Period Tax Rate Comments Retirement Accounts: 401(k), 403(b), traditional IRA, SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA Ordinary income (when funds are withdrawn from

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Why You Need to Read the Fine Print

According to a recent Deloitte survey, 91 percent of people agree to terms and conditions without reading the legal agreement. While reading through the legally complex language may be slow and painful, it’s more important than you think. Here are four reasons why reading entire legal agreements make sense: You miss a major technicality. Many agreements have an exit penalty that requires you to pay for a period of time after you terminate an agreement. Others

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Help Older Adults Stand Up Against Scams

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recently reported in financial exploitation cases that older adults lost an average of $34,200. Unfortunately, these funds are often never recovered. You can ensure this doesn’t happen by learning more about scams and how to protect yourself. Here are some tips: Recognize the scams.The best way to protect yourself from a scam is to understand what they look and sound like. Here are a few key elements to look for when

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Select the Right Health Insurance for Your Business

If you have employees, you know how important health insurance is for your benefits package. It also takes a big bite out of your budget. Selecting the right insurance for your company is extremely important for employee retention and maintaining your bottom line. Here are tips to help you find the best health insurance for your business: Know the size of the network. A popular way to lower insurance costs is opting for a smaller network

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