Questions & Answers

How would i get q legal god mother for my two children if anything ever happens to me i am not relgous at all?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Just want to make sure if anything is to ever happen to me that my kids will be able to stay together and be taking great care of. ATTORNEY ANSWER BY MARGARET L. CROSS-BELIVEAU: A Godparent is a religious designation, not a legal one.  You wish to appoint a guardian.  In order to do so, you should execute a will. Legal Disclaimer: Please note that this answer does not constitute legal advice, and should

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During divorce proceedings, can a person who was placed as an executor of real property use or sell that property?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Land was purchased during the marriage and put into a trust for the children. The wife was placed as the executor. They are now divorcing and the husband is concerned that the wife will sell the property, in part or in whole, to fund her part of the divorce. ATTORNEY ANSWER BY MARGARET L. CROSS-BELIVEAU: Wife was named as a Trustee of a trust.  As a trustee, she has fiduciary responsibilities to follow the

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What should I do with a municipal bond that is part of an estate and cannot be redeemed?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I am the court appointed personal representative of the estate of my mother. This concerns a bond entitled, “Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul Industrial Development Revenue Bond Series 1988-F” This bond, which matured in 1988, has a face value of $5,000, but is no longer redeemable. The projects the bond supported never generated enough income to redeem the bonds, due to the real estate ”bust” of the 1980’s. After five years

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Do I pay tax for child support?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I will pay few hundreds of dollars to my husband for the child support. Do I pay tax for it? Does my husband pay tax for it? Thanks! ATTORNEY ANSWER BY MARGARET L. CROSS-BELIVEAU: Child support is neither deductible by the payor nor is  it income to the recipient. Alimony is deductible by the payor and income to the recipient. Legal Disclaimer: Please note that this answer does not constitute legal advice, and should

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How can I take care of my unmarried brother’s financial obligations now that he is in a coma and has no Power of Attorney?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My brother is in a coma and will likely not recover to the point of being able to work or care for himself. I need to take care of his bills, loan accounts and bank account and start the process of obtaining disability benefits and Medicare for him. He has no Power of Attorney, spouse or children. Upon discharge from the hospital, he will be moved to a Long Term Acute Care Hospital. How

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How do I get my dads name off of my mother’s estate?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My mom is gonna pass away soon and my dads name is still on the title, he hasn’t been around in 20 years. He didn’t have much to do with the payoff at all. I don’t know where he is to ask him to sign the paperwork for my mother ATTORNEY ANSWER BY MARGARET L. CROSS-BELIVEAU: I am sorry for your loss. If your parents had divorced, the property division should have been addressed

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Can we take action to immediately change locks and take possession of property and all remaining content?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My sister and her husband moved into the family home place after our parents passed… About 3 months ago my sister passed, her husband eventually moved back into his original home , but left lots of his “junk” behind…saying at some point he may return and clean it up. he has the only keys to the property. what legal rights do we have as far as,Immediately having all locks changed and demanding he remove

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If I find out 25 years later I have a daughter?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was just contacted by a old girlfriend that her 25years old daughter is mine. I will be willing to take a dna, but I have all kinds of worries, I’m married and have other children, if she is my daughter what it the law states I have to give to her. Can actually take a legal matter for depriving me with my parental rights.  what can they possible want after 25 years.? ATTORNEY

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What constitutes elder abuse?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Our mother is 89 years old and relatively good health. My dad passed away 2/2016 and my older sister moved home due to losing her job. She now takes care of my mom although my mom is in assisted living. She has said to my mom “spend all your money” My dad left her with 3 million dollars that he worked extremely hard for. My mom is spending the money like crazy. Trips ,

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Can I evict a renter from my sisters house if I have a simple real estate contract with sister but mortgage is in her name?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My sister has agreed to sell her house to me and had a friend residing in the house with her daughter. I agreed to my sister she could stay as a renter for $600 a month. She has failed to make a complete payment and has only paid $425 in the past three months. In the beginning of October I had my sister sign, as did I, a Simple Real Estate Contract. The agreement

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