Questions & Answers

Do I have the right to see my mother’s bank statements to reconcile them and make sure there have been no errors or fraud?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Hi, I have a simple question. Maybe someone can help?…. My 93 year old mother has dementia but is still cognizant part of the time. She has 24 hour care at home. My brother and sister have joint POA. There are seven siblings in our family. Another sister with a drinking problem has been doing the bills and paying the care givers. It was brought to my attention by one honest care giver that

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Can I take the RMDs for an inherited IRA and my regular IRA, both from only the inherited IRA?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I have two IRAs, a regular one that I funded and an inherited one. An RMD is required for each. Can I take both RMDs from the inherited IRA until it is depleted? ANSWER BY MARGARET CROSS-BELIVEAU: No, you can’t take it all from one IRA.  You can lump the traditional IRAs into one column and the inherited IRA in another.  With the traditional IRAs, you may make the withdrawal from one of them

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My sister is on Medicaid and she will be getting a small inheritance what she be allowed to keep this money being that she’s on?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My sister is kind of disabled and on Medicaid & Medicare.  She’s getting an inheritance.  Will she be able to keep the money? thank you for your help ANSWER BY MARGARET CROSS-BELIVEAU: As she is on Medicare, I am assuming that she is over 65.  Different rules apply for different ages.  Medicaid is an asset based program.  If she receives an inheritance, she will no longer be eligible for Medicaid if she keeps it. 

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Does my brother have a right to sell my mother’s house?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My mother is in a nursing home. Before that I was her caregiver. I am still her power of attorney. I still live in my childhood home and have started a family of my own. My brother just got out of prison and wants the house. He only lived in the house for one year and never paid even one bill. I used my retirement from a previous job to pay off the house

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Can my landlord not renew my month to month lease because of one noise complaint ?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I received a noise complaint while I was out of town, my sister was watching my dogs and received a couple complaints in one night. The next day I had a notice on my door saying they weren’t going to renew my lease. I’ve never had any problems or complaints about me. I called my landlord and she said it was due to the noise complaints and doesn’t want to talk about it. Is

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Mom passed away ?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Before my mom passed away she put the deed in my sisters name and told my sister split the house with me my sister took everything what can I do

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Do any of you advise against using online template forms to create your own Will, Power of Attorney and Health Care Directive?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Some of my colleagues have used these forms to create their own Will and Power of Attorney–not sure about Health Care Directive. As long as they are notarized, I assume these documents are considered as legal as those created by an Attorney–or am I mistaken? Are there cautionary tales you wish to share? Is there an online resource for these forms that you recommend? What range of costs should I expect if I complete

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