Estate Planning Articles

Two trustees may be better than one

A trustee has two important duties – managing the assets in the trust, and distributing them to the beneficiaries according to the donor’s wishes. But it can be hard to find one person who can do both things well. An aunt or uncle might be the perfect person to know how to distribute assets to family members, but might not have a lot of financial acumen. An investment advisor might be very skilled at growing the

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Asset protection is for everyone

When many people hear the words “asset protection,” they think of billionaires with Swiss bank accounts and offshore tax havens. But in reality, asset protection is for everyone. It’s simply a series of basic techniques you can use to help ensure that the wealth you’ve accumulated stays with you and your heirs, and not someone else. Hard-earned wealth can quickly disappear as a result of a lawsuit, a business going under, or a similar event. Asset

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‘Longevity insurance’ sales are growing fast

There’s a new product on the market called “longevity insurance.” This is really just a new name for an old concept, the deferred annuity. Unlike most annuities, which are purchased with a lump sum and begin paying out soon afterward, these policies typically don’t begin paying anything until some 10 or 20 years after you buy them. Sales of these annuities were up 35% last year from a year earlier. The idea is that, if you

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Estate planning for people who don’t have families

A growing number of older people don’t have a spouse, children, or other close relatives. One of the biggest concerns in such a situation is how to prepare in case the person eventually becomes disabled or incapacitated. Such a person could, of course, give a power of attorney to a friend, and assume the friend will take care of things. However, friends the same age might die or become incapacitated themselves. They might be overwhelmed with

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Some bequests that ‘look’ equal really aren’t

When you’re deciding how to divide your assets among multiple heirs, it’s very important to consider who will pay your estate’s debts out of their share. Two bequests that look equal in theory might be very different in practice once debts are taken into account. Generally, when a person dies, his or her outstanding debts must be paid out of “probate assets.” This means the assets that pass to someone according to the person’s will. But

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Supreme Court alters estate planning for gay couples

The Supreme Court’s recent ruling extending same-sex marriage throughout the U.S. has changed the estate planning landscape for gay couples. The biggest change, of course, will be for couples living in states that didn’t recognize same-sex marriage before the decision. But the ruling is also important for couples in states that previously permitted same-sex marriage, because in the past, their estate planning had to take into account the fact that they might travel, own property, or

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Help your heirs avoid capital gains tax

In the past, estate planning was mostly about reducing the impact of the federal estate tax. The tax was so onerous, and potentially affected so many people, that the goal was to avoid it like the plague. One way to reduce estate taxes was to put assets into an irrevocable trust. The tax savings could be accomplished in a number of ways, but the key was that, when the person who created the trust died, the

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New laws may clarify estate planning for online assets

Including online assets in estate planning is a new thing, and the legal rules aren’t always entirely clear. But a number of states are now considering laws that will make things easier. For instance, Delaware recently became the first state to pass a comprehensive law addressing what happens to someone’s online assets when they pass away. And 13 other states are currently considering such laws, so it’s likely the legal landscape will change dramatically in the

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Converting to a Roth IRA can help with estate planning

Converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA has many advantages and disadvantages, but what many people don’t realize is that it can provide some estate planning benefits. If you convert to a Roth, you’ll have to pay income tax on the value of the IRA right away – just as if you received the entire amount as income. On the other hand, all future withdrawals will be tax-free, and there are no minimum required distributions

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