
Communicate with your kids before leaving unequal assets

When it comes to leaving money to the kids, some parents struggle to reconcile “equal” with “fair.” An equal inheritance treats each child the same, regardless of life situation or special circumstances. On the other hand, sometimes an unequal distribution can seem like the fairest thing to do, given a child’s age, financial wherewithal, or previous track record. To avoid unpleasant surprises and contentious family squabbles, be transparent about your plans and talk with your children

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How to leave your home to the kids

Deciding when and how to relinquish the family home can be one of the most challenging issues seniors face. For many, a home is their most valuable asset and a cornerstone of the wealth they’d like to transfer to their family. If you’re one of AARP’s estimated 87 percentage of older adults who wants to stay at home and “age in place,” you may be planning to stay put as long as possible with the goal

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Proposed regulations curtailing valuation discounts withdrawn

The Treasury Department and the IRS have announced that proposed regulations that would have drastically limited valuation discounts for transfers of family businesses are being withdrawn. The regulations would have curbed valuation discounts commonly used when family business owners transfer minority shares to other family members. The withdrawal means that family business owners will still be able to transfer a portion of their business to their children while applying valuation discounts. Primarily, those discounts include adjustments

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Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: What the Tax Reform Bill Means for You

Congress has passed tax reform that will take effect in 2018, ushering in some of the most significant tax changes in three decades. There are a lot of changes in the new bill, which is expected to be signed into law soon. You can use this memo as a high-level overview of some of the most significant items in the new bill. Because major tax reform like this happens so seldom, it may be worthwhile for

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Court decision muddies the waters for ‘safe harbor’ for user-generated online posts

A recent decision from a federal appeals court in California will likely have broad implications on what screening procedures, if any, a service provider adopts for user-generated posts and material. The case, which is called Mavrix Photographs LLC v. LiveJournal Inc., limits the availability of safe harbor protection for social media platforms and other sites that use moderators to review user-submitted posts, even when the website has processes in place for expeditiously removing materials identified in

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Is a patent enough? How to protect your intellectual property

You had a great idea and you started a business around it. Now, you need to protect that intellectual property. First, check to be sure that your idea is original. Conduct patent and trademark searches early in the development of new products and processes to make sure there isn’t anyone else already protecting the same ideas or concepts. If you do have an original, patentable idea, go ahead and file a patent application. Filing an initial

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Traditional office vs. co-working space: Which is right for your business?

Collaborative work environments with shared spaces are an increasingly popular take on traditional office space, but can come with less than ideal leasing terms. Most co-working spaces operate using an occupation license agreement that allows members to use the space for a particular purpose or set of purposes. But it is much easier for a landlord to revoke a licensee’s right of access to than it is to evict a tenant. A commercial leasing agreement for

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Cybersecurity essentials for small to mid-size businesses

A strong cybersecurity program is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of a business’s information systems. These systems can include any computer or networked electronic system used by a business, and certain sensitive business and consumer information. Programs should be designed to perform three primary functions: Identify and assess threats and risks; Protect information systems and sensitive information from malicious use and unauthorized access; and Detect, respond to and recover from cybersecurity “events” such

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Know the risks associated with using targeted advertising for your business

Many companies employ third-party advertising services that use online consumer data and automated software to place advertisements on websites, in apps and within user-generated video services. But this wide-reaching marketing tool comes with the risk that your advertisement and brand could be displayed alongside offensive content. Third-party targeted advertising services, such as AdSense from Google and Bing Advertising from Microsoft, offer the ability to exclude targeted ads from pornographic or gambling sites. But beyond that it

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New year, new job

5 tax tips for job changers There are a lot of new things to get used to when you change jobs, from new responsibilities to adjusting to a new company culture. You may not have considered the tax issues created when you change jobs. Here are tips to reduce any potential tax problems related to making a job change this coming year. Don’t forget about in-between pay. It is easy to forget to account for pay received

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