
Transferring property: a primer on deeds and titles

A property deed is a legal document that transfers title or rights of ownership from one party to another. It’s the official proof of transfer document that gets recorded, usually by your local county government. A deed should include an indication that it is a deed, a description of the property, the signature of the individual or entity transferring the property, and information on who is taking the title. Every property transfer requires some type of

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Understanding easement rights

Imagine you’ve found the perfect home or piece of land, but you find out there’s an easement on the property. What do you need to know? An easement gives someone the legal right to use your property in a specific way. For example, your next-door neighbor might have access to drive across your land to get to theirs. The utility company might have the right to dig up your lawn to install power lines. Easement duration

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LGBT homebuyers fear discrimination

Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community say they fear discrimination when buying a home, according to recent research from Freddie Mac. Survey respondents who identified as LGBT were largely positive on homeownership, with three-quarters saying they believe home ownership is a good investment. In fact, 72 percent said they want to own a home in the future. But 46 percent said they fear discrimination in the process. When buying a home, they ranked

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Beginner tips for turnkey real estate

What if you want to invest in real estate, but don’t have any experience or a mentor to guide you? What if you live in a high-cost location and can’t find reasonably priced properties to invest in? And what if you want to invest in real estate but don’t want to do any of the active management? In recent years, turnkey real estate providers have emerged, offering to solve all of these problems for would-be investors.

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Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

The keys to successful digital marketing practices are often learned through failure. But this doesn’t have to be you! The wise business owner learns from the travails experienced by others. Here are some digital marketing mistakes to know so you can keep them from unraveling your strategy:

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The Casualty Loss Problem

What you can do to help Tax laws severely limit who can deduct losses on their tax return caused by a catastrophic event. Now unless a loss is in a presidentially declared disaster area, victims are on their own to pick up the pieces. This is creating problems for those on the fringe of a major disaster and those who have a local casualty loss like a local flood or fire. Possible Solutions With tax savings

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4 Key Elements of Great Business Books

Your bookkeeping system is the financial heart and lifeblood of your business. When set up and operating properly, your books help you make smart decisions and seamlessly turn your financial data into useful information. Here are four key characteristics to build and maintain a healthy bookkeeping system:

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Al Capone, Aunt Becky, Tax Fraud and You!

How you can learn from high-profile tax scandals The recent college admission scandal involving Lori Loughlin (who played Aunt Becky in the Full House TV series) and others is shedding light on just one way people allegedly cheat on their taxes. Here are examples of some famous people in tax trouble with the IRS and helpful hints to make sure it doesn’t happen to you:

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You Know You Need Tax Planning If…

Effective tax planning helps you make smart decisions now to get the future outcome you desire – but you need to make sure you don’t miss anything. Forget to account for one of these situations and your tax plans will go off the rails in a hurry:

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